Legal Blog Roundup

Sorry for the light posting lately. It’s the summer news doldrums and I am gearing up for a trial. At any rate, herewith the latest from the legal blogosphere:

  • Back in June, I blogged about how missed medications cost us $250 billion a year, dwarfing the cost of medical malpractice. If we could only get everyone to take their meds as scheduled, perhaps through text messaging, I theorized, we could save about twelve percent of our annual health care tab.
    Well now FICO, the credit score agency, is going to start rating people on how compliant they are with doctor’s orders. Good patients will get high Medication Adherence Scores and bad patients will get low ratings.
    Is this a way to reap a lot of savings? Or will it simply lead to the same kinds of abuses and discrimination that law professor Frank Pasquale and others have highlighted in their criticisms of the credit rating agencies’ credit rating machinations? Stay tuned.
  • According to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, only twenty percent of medical malpractice cases result in a payout to the patient. Given that medical malpractice lawsuits are incredibly expensive for plaintiff’s lawyers to bring, it is no surprise that the study’s author, Amitabh Chandra, declares, “A lawyer would have to be an idiot to bring a frivolous [medical malpractice] case to court.”

This blog in maintained by the Boston personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Alan H. Crede, P.C.